Essentials Migration guide

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Migration guide

v1 -> v2

Vue InstantSearch v2 has just been released as a beta version. A beta version means that there are known limitations, and this shouldn’t be used in a production environment without knowing the risks of options that can be changed without major version.

The limitations here that make this a beta version are:

  • no server side rendering support
  • some smaller breaking changes can still occur between versions

Renamed components

Some components have been renamed to be be more consistent with other InstantSearch flavours.

  • ais-results -> ais-hits
  • ais-tree-menu -> ais-hierarchical-menu
  • ais-clear -> ais-clear-refinements
  • ais-results-per-page-selector -> ais-hits-per-page
  • ais-rating -> ais-rating-menu
  • ais-sort-by-selector -> ais-sort-by
  • ais-index -> ais-instant-search

All individual component exports have also been renamed from e.g. SearchBox to AisSearchBox. This is to make it more ergonomic to use them as components in a Vue file with the same name as expected.

The Component mixin has been renamed to createWidgetMixin({ connector }). Read more about that in the custom component guide.

New components

Find more information on these in their respective documentation.

  1. ais-configure

This widget is the replacement of query-parameters on ais-index.

  1. ais-state-results

This component can be used for conditional rendering, and getting information that’s not returned in ais-hits.

Note that this component was called ais-search-state until, and including alpha 3

  1. ais-breadcrumb

To be used together with ais-hierarchical-menu.

  1. ais-menu-select

A single-selectable menu, rendered inside a select

  1. ais-current-refinements

Shows the current refinements, and allows them to be unset.

  1. ais-infinite-hits

Replaces :stack="true" on ais-results (now called ais-hits).

  1. ais-numeric-menu

Statically set numerical ranges can be used to refine using this widget.

  1. ais-panel

Wrap a widget in ais-panel to be able to give it a header and a footer. Replaces those options on each widget.

  1. ais-toggle-refinement

Toggle a boolean refinement either refined/unrefined or refinement/another refinement. Useful for toggles or buttons with two states.

Renamed options

Some options have been renamed. Largely those are:

  • attribute-name -> attribute
  • result(s) -> hit(s)
  • anything in a list -> items / item
  • header / footer -> wrap the widget in an ais-panel

If you see anything not mentioned here, please get in touch.

Removed options

  • query-parameters

This is now handled via the Configure widget. Each query parameter becomes a prop on Configure.

  • query

You can now synchronize the query across indices either by using a v-model on two ais-search-boxes of which you hide one, or with ais-configure on both indices, and synchronizing between those like that.

  • appId & apiKey

This is now handled by the search-client prop. Search client is what gets returned if you call algoliasearch.

-   <ais-index
+   <ais-instant-search
-     app-id="appID"
-     api-key="apiKey"
+     :search-client="searchClient"
      <slot>My app</slot>
-   </ais-index>
+   </ais-instant-search>

+ <script>
+ import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite';
+ const searchClient = algoliasearch('appID', 'apiKey');

+ export default {
+   data() {
+     return {
+       searchClient,
+     };
+   },
+ };
+ </script>
  • :stack="true"

When you used to put this on ais-results (now called ais-hits), it allows to load next pages without pagination, but with a “next page” button, as well as showing all pages rather than a single one. Replaced by ais-infinite-hits.

  • auto-search

This option is removed in favor of a more complete way of not doing queries using the search client. Information on that can be found here.

Removed components

  • ais-input

This component has been removed with as alternative having two options:

  1. use ais-search-box and style it to not include the extra items
  2. use the default slot of ais-search-box to use it with your own custom input (see live):
<ais-search-box autofocus>
    slot-scope="{ currentRefinement, refine }"
    placeholder="Custom SearchBox"

CSS class names

All CSS class names are now different, since we follow the SUIT CSS methodology now, rather than previously a slightly wrong implementation of BEM.

Since the DOM output is also different in most widgets, it’s best to start styling over from scratch on these widgets.

Each widget lists the CSS classes it uses in its documentation page.

Known limitations

  1. SSR

In this version there’s no server side rendering support. To align this with your site which might already use SSR, you can disable that for now, by wrapping the ais-instant-search component in a no-ssr component.

The reason we chose not to enable SSR yet, is because we are looking for a elegant way of integrating it, without needing to write lots of custom code for the server side parts.

If you’re using this, and have suggestions, please get in touch.

  1. Search store

The search store no longer exists. Custom widgets are either made by making a connector, or a combination of new widgets.

You no longer need to copy a widget to give it custom rendering. Now you can fill in the default slot, which will have everything needed to render that component.

If you’re using this, and have suggestions or questions, please get in touch.

  1. Routing

You’re now able to use routing in InstantSearch with, or without Vue Router. Read more on how to use that here.

  1. changing props on ais-instant-search

It is possible to change props on ais-instant-search, except routing. If you have a need for that to be changed as well, please get in touch.