Essentials Getting started

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Getting started

NOTE: this guide has been updated for v2

Welcome to Vue InstantSearch

Vue InstantSearch is the ultimate toolbox for creating instant search experiences using Vue.js and Algolia.

Setup a new Vue project

We’ll use the official vue-cli to bootstrap a new Vue project.

$ npm install --global @vue/cli
$ vue create vue-instantsearch-getting-started

Info: Default settings are enough, hit Enter ⏎ at every question.

Then go to the created folder and open it in your editor.

$ cd vue-instantsearch-getting-started

Install vue-instantsearch

Add Vue InstantSearch as a dependency, it’s published on npm:

$ npm install vue-instantsearch@beta

Run the development environment

When vue-cli bootstrapped the project, it added some npm scripts to your project, like a serve one for development. Let’s use it:

$ npm run serve

This should open a new tab in your browser with this inside:

Screenshot showing the new tab preview when npm run dev starts.

Leave the serve script running, we will update the code and it will reload in your browser automatically.

Use the InstantSearch plugin

Now we need to tell Vue to use the Vue InstantSearch plugin so that all search components are available in our templates.

Open the src/main.js entry point and replace the existing content with the following:

import Vue from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue'
import InstantSearch from 'vue-instantsearch';


new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  render: h => h(App)

From now on, you can use all Vue InstantSearch components in your templates throughout the whole application.

Create your first search experience

Let’s bootstrap a small search interface.

Open the src/App.vue component. Then replace the whole beginning of the file, between the <template></template> tags, with the following:

      <template slot="item" slot-scope="{ item }">
          <ais-highlight :hit="item" attribute="name" />

import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite';

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      searchClient: algoliasearch(

Save, and see the result in the browser. Play with it!

Animated screenshot showing a first search experience.

How it works

In this section you’ll learn a bit more about what you just implemented.

The ais-instant-search component

All search components need to be wrapped in an ais-instant-search component.

  <!-- Search components go here -->

import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite';

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      searchClient: algoliasearch('latency', '3d9875e51fbd20c7754e65422f7ce5e1');

You should configure the ais-instant-search component with the application ID and API search only key.

The job of the ais-instant-search component is to hold the state of the search, and to provide it to child components.

Algolia demo credentials

For the demo, we provided you with some default Algolia credentials:

  • app-id: latency
  • search-key: 3d9875e51fbd20c7754e65422f7ce5e1
  • index-name: instant_search

When you are ready to go further, you can create your own Algolia account and find your credentials in the Algolia dashboard.

The Search Box component

The Search Box component renders a text input.

The text input value is bound to the query of the current search.

Every time the query changes, the search store will contact Algolia to get the new results for the new query.

Info: The Search Box component is wrapped into a <form> element and provides a reset and submit button by default. These good search practices are explained here.

The Hits component

The Hits component will loop over all results returned by the Algolia response, and display them.

The component has a scoped slot so that you can easily define your custom template for the rendering of every single result.

Info: By default, if no slot is provided, the component will display the objectID of every result.

The slot provided by the Hits component is a scoped slot.

A scoped slot means that the template can access data passed to the slot.

This is illustrated by this snippet:

<template slot="item" slot-scope="parameters">
  <h1>{{ }}</h1>

or with an ES6 syntax:

<template slot="item" slot-scope="{ item }">
  <h1>{{ }}</h1>

Now that item is available, we can customize the html inside the template.

In the example we provided, we display the highlighted version of the name of the result.

Going further

Now that we have seen the basics of using Algolia with Vue InstantSearch, let’s go further by looking at the list of exposed components