Components Rating Menu

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Rating Menu

A rating menu is a numeric list of a rating. By default visualized with stars. Note that the attribute needs to have integers

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<ais-rating-menu :attribute="value"></ais-rating-menu>


Name Type Default Description Required
attribute string The attribute to use for the rating yes
max number 5 maximum rating to show no
class-names Object {} Override class names no


Name Scope Description
default { items: Array<Item>, refine: String => void, createURL: Item => String } Slot to override the DOM output
andUp { } Slot to override the “& up” text after the star icons.

an Item has the following keys:

  • stars: An array of booleans, e.g. [true, true, true, false] to show which stars should be colored
  • name: string version of the “number of stars” to put
  • value: string version of the “number of stars” to put
  • count: number of hits with this refinement enabled
  • isRefined: boolean which will be true if this Item is selected

CSS classes

Here’s a list of CSS classes exposed by this widget. To better understand the underlying DOM structure, have a look at the generated DOM in your browser.

Note that you can pass the prop class-names, with an object of class names and their replacement to override this.

Class name Description
ais-RatingMenu Container class
#ais-RatingMenu-starSymbol The svg symbol for a filled star
#ais-RatingMenu-starEmptySymbol The svg symbol for an empty star
ais-RatingMenu-list The list of ratings
ais-RatingMenu-item each rating item
ais-RatingMenu-link the link of each rating
ais-RatingMenu-starIcon the star icon
ais-RatingMenu-starIcon--full the star icon when it’s filled
ais-RatingMenu-starIcon--empty the star icon when it’s not filled
ais-RatingMenu-label the “and more” label
ais-RatingMenu-count the number of results for this rating