Components Powered By

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Powered By

A component that helps you quickly add the “powered by Algolia” mention that is required if you have a free plan.

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Basic usage:


Dark background:

<ais-powered-by theme="dark"></ais-powered-by>


Name Type Default Description Required
theme "light" | "dark" "light" Use a version of the logo legible on light or dark backgrounds no
class-names Object {} Override class names no


This component provides no slots

CSS classes

Here’s a list of CSS classes exposed by this widget. To better understand the underlying DOM structure, have a look at the generated DOM in your browser.

Note that you can pass the prop class-names, with an object of class names and their replacement to override this.

Class name Description
.ais-PoweredBy the root div of the widget
.ais-PoweredBy--light the root div of the widget with light background theme
.ais-PoweredBy--dark the root div of the widget with dark background theme
.ais-PoweredBy-link the link
.ais-PoweredBy-logo the actual illustration