Components Pagination

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A component to navigate between different pages of results.

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<ais-pagination :padding="3"></ais-pagination>


Name Type Default Description Required
padding Number 3 the amount of pages to show before and after the current page no
totalPages Number Limit the amount of pages that can be reached no
showFirst Boolean true Show the “first page” button no
showLast Boolean true Show the “last page” button no
showNext Boolean true Show the “next page” button no
showPrevious Boolean true Show the “previous page” button no
class-names Object {} Override class names no


Name Scope Description
default { refine: (Number) => void, createURL: () => String, currentRefinement: Number, nbHits: Number, nbPages: Number, pages: Number, isFirstPage: Boolean, isLastPage: Boolean } Slot to override the DOM output
first { refine: () => void, createURL: () => String, isFirstPage: Boolean } Slot to override the DOM for “first page”
previous { refine: () => void, createURL: () => String, isFirstPage: Boolean } Slot to override the DOM for “previous page”
item { refine: () => void, createURL: () => String, page: Number, isFirstPage: Boolean, isLastPage: Boolean } Slot to override the DOM for each page
next { refine: () => void, createURL: () => String, isLastPage: Boolean } Slot to override the DOM for “next page”
last { refine: () => void, createURL: () => String, isLastPage: Boolean } Slot to override the DOM for “last page”

CSS classes

Here’s a list of CSS classes exposed by this widget. To better understand the underlying DOM structure, have a look at the generated DOM in your browser.

Note that you can pass the prop class-names, with an object of class names and their replacement to override this.

Class name Description
.ais-Pagination the root div of the widget
.ais-Pagination--noRefinement the root div of the widget with no refinement
.ais-Pagination-list the list of all pagination items
.ais-Pagination-item the pagination list item
.ais-Pagination-item--firstPage the “first” pagination list item
.ais-Pagination-item--lastPage the “last” pagination list item
.ais-Pagination-item--previousPage the “previous” pagination list item
.ais-Pagination-item--nextPage the “next” pagination list item
.ais-Pagination-item--item the “page” pagination list item
.ais-Pagination-item--selected the selected pagination list item
.ais-Pagination-item--disabled the disabled pagination list item
.ais-Pagination-link the pagination clickable element


Event name Variables Description
page-change page Triggered right after a page was changed due to an action taken on the pagination component.