Components InstantSearch

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A wrapper component that allows you to configure the credentials and query parameters for the search.

This component automatically provides the search state to all its children.


Basic usage:

  <!-- this index-name is an example -->
    <!-- Add your InstantSearch components here. -->

<!-- You need to instantiate the search client in your script -->
import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite';

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      // these credentials are an example
      searchClient: algoliasearch(


Name Type Default Description Required
search-client Object The instance of a search client. Usage with Algolia is done via algoliasearch yes
index-name String The index to target for the search yes
searchFunction (AlgoliaHelper) => void A hook that will be called each time a search needs to be done, with the helper as a parameter. It’s your responsibility to call This option allows you to avoid doing searches at page load for example. no
stalled-search-delay Number 200 Time (in ms) before the search is considered unresponsive. Used to display a loading indicator. no
routing Object documented here. no
class-names Object {} Override class names no


Name Description
default Can contain anything. All InstantSearch components are required to be inside a ais-instant-search component.

CSS Classes

Class name Description
ais-InstantSearch Container class