Components HitsPerPage

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Displays a select element allowing users to choose the number of hits to display.

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    label: '20 results',
    value: 20,
  }, {
    label: '100 results',
    value: 100


Name Type Required Default Description
items [<Object>, ...] yes no Array of possible values for the select, example:
[{label: 'Ten results', value: 10, default}, {label: 'Twenty results', value: 20}].
The item with default: true will be the one applied by default.
transformItems (items: object[]) => object[] x => x Function which receives the items, which will be called before displaying them. Should return a new array with the same shape as the original array. Useful for mapping over the items to transform, remove or reorder them -
class-names Object {} Override class names no
Name Scope Description
default { items: Array<{label: String, value: String}>, refine({label: String, value: String}), hasNoResults: Boolean } Slot to override the DOM output

CSS classes

Here’s a list of CSS classes exposed by this widget. To better understand the underlying DOM structure, have a look at the generated DOM in your browser.

Note that you can pass the prop class-names, with an object of class names and their replacement to override this.

Class name Description
ais-HitsPerPage Container class
ais-HitsPerPage-select A refinement option