Components Highlight

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Displays highlighted attributes of your search results.

This component leverages the highlighting feature of Algolia and is designed to work with escapeHTML set to true in the surrounding <ais-hits>.


Basic usage:

<ais-highlight :hit="hit" attribute="description"></ais-highlight>

Access a nested property:

Given a record like:

    "objectID": 1,
    "meta": {
        "title": "my title"

You can access the highlighted version by specifying the path by separating levels with dots:

<ais-highlight :hit="hit" attribute="meta.title"></ais-highlight>

Advanced use cases:

For more complex data structures, it will be necessary to leverage the _highlightResult object directly. For example, consider the case of an array of keywords:

<ais-hits :escape-HTML="true">
  <template name="item" slot-scope="{ item }">
    <p v-for="keyword in item._highlightResult.keywords" v-html="keyword.value"></p>


Name Type Default Description Required
hit Object A single Algolia result as it is returned by the API. yes
attribute String The attribute name to be highlighted. yes
highlightedTagName String The tag name to use on the highlighted items. no
class-names Object {} Override class names no


This component provides no slots

CSS Classes

Class name Description
ais-Highlight Container class
ais-Highlight-highlighted parts of the string matching the query