Components HierarchicalMenu

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The hierarchical menu lets the user browse attributes using a tree-like structure. This is commonly used for multi-level categorization of products on e-commerce websites. From a UX point of view, we suggest not displaying more than two levels deep.

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Name Type Default Description Required
attributes string[] - Array of attributes to use to generate the hierarchical menu Yes
limit number 10 Number of items to show -
showMoreLimit number 20 Number of items to show when the user clicked on “show more” -
showMore boolean false Whether or not to have the option to load more values -
separator string - Separator used in the attributes to separate level values -
rootPath string - Prefix path to use if the first level is not the root level -
showParentLevel boolean true Show the siblings of the selected parent level of the current refined value. This does not impact the root level -
sortBy string[] | function ['name:asc'] Array or function to sort the results by -
transformItems (items: object[]) => object[] x => x Function which receives the items, which will be called before displaying them. Should return a new array with the same shape as the original array. Useful for mapping over the items to transform, remove or reorder them -
class-names Object {} Override class names no


Name Scope Description
default { items: object[], canRefine: boolean, canToggleShowMore: boolean, isShowingMore: boolean, refine: (value: string) => void, createURL: (value: string) => string, toggleShowMore: () => void } Slot to override the DOM output
showMoreLabel { isShowingMore: boolean } Slot to override the show more label

CSS classes

Here’s a list of CSS classes exposed by this widget. To better understand the underlying DOM structure, have a look at the generated DOM in your browser.

Note that you can pass the prop class-names, with an object of class names and their replacement to override this.

Class name Description
ais-HierarchicalMenu The root div of the widget
ais-HierarchicalMenu--noRefinement The root div of the widget with no refinement
ais-HierarchicalMenu-list The list of menu items
ais-HierarchicalMenu-list--child The child list of menu items
ais-HierarchicalMenu-list--lvl0 The level 0 list of menu items
ais-HierarchicalMenu-list--lvl1 The level 1 list of menu items (and so on)
ais-HierarchicalMenu-item The menu list item
ais-HierarchicalMenu-item--selected The selected menu list item
ais-HierarchicalMenu-item--parent The menu list item containing children
ais-HierarchicalMenu-link The clickable menu element
ais-HierarchicalMenu-label The label of each item
ais-HierarchicalMenu-count The count of each item
ais-HierarchicalMenu-showMore The button used to display more categories
ais-HierarchicalMenu-showMore--disabled The disabled button used to display more categories