Components CurrentRefinements

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Show the currently refined values and allow them to be unset.

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export default {
  data() {
    return {
      transformItems: items => => ({
          label: item.label.toLocaleUpperCase()


Name Type Default Description Required
includedAttributes Array Attributes to show or clear -
excludedAttributes Array ['query'] Attributes not to show or clear -
transformItems (items: object[]) => object[] x => x Function which receives the items, which will be called before displaying them. Should return a new array with the same shape as the original array. Useful for mapping over the items to transform, remove or reorder them -
class-names Object {} Override class names no

Note that you can not use includedAttributes and excludedAttributes at the same time. Included attributes are exclusive, and thus take precedence over excluded attributes.


name scope Description
default { items: Item[], refine: Item => void, createURL: Item.value => string } Override how all the items look
item { item: Item, refine: Item => void, createURL: () => string } Override how an item looks

All elements in items have the keys:

  • type: which can be “facet”, “exclude”, “disjunctive”, “hierarchical”, “numeric” or “query”
  • attribute: used as the key
  • label: string form of the value
  • value: necessary for the refinement to work correctly, no need to be changed

CSS classes

Here’s a list of CSS classes exposed by this widget. To better understand the underlying DOM structure, have a look at the generated DOM in your browser.

Note that you can pass the prop class-names, with an object of class names and their replacement to override this.

Class name Description
ais-CurrentRefinements Container class
ais-CurrentRefinements--noRefinement Modifier on the container when no refinements are enabled.
ais-CurrentRefinements-item An item
ais-CurrentRefinements-delete The button in the item to delete that refinement
ais-CurrentRefinements-item--selected Selected item