Components Autocomplete

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Autocomplete is a component which can be used for third-party dropdown components. For one index, or additional indices.

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Name Type Default Description Required
indices Array<{label: String, value: String}> [] Additional indices to search in no
escapeHTML Boolean true Escape raw HTML in the hits no
class-names Object {} Override class names no


Name Scope Description
default { currentRefinement: string, refine: (value: string) => void, indices: Array<Index> } Slot to override the DOM output

Index is an object which contains:

Key Type Description
index String The name (value) of this index
label String The label for this index
hits Object[] The hits resolved from the index matching the query.
results Object The full results object from the Algolia API.

CSS classes

Here’s a list of CSS classes exposed by this widget. To better understand the underlying DOM structure, have a look at the generated DOM in your browser.

Note that you can pass the prop class-names, with an object of class names and their replacement to override this.

Class name Description
ais-Autocomplete Container class